Monday, January 13, 2014

Entry 214: AMNIA CYCLE pages 42,43,44,&45

The End of Chapter 2

YAY! I did it. Two chapters done. Forty five pages. I've drawn more pages for this than any other personal work. It's very exciting for me.

So yeah, another four pages this week, which means that I'll be taking next week off. Also, since this is the end of a chapter, I'll be taking an additional couple weeks off before starting the next chapter, so it will be a while before I start getting chapter 4 pages up, but, in the meantime I will have a sweet Chapter 2 cover to show you guys and a Chapters 1&2 Recap thing that I think is pretty cool. So, if you are wanting more Amnia, I'll be getting you little fixes to tied to over.

Anyway, so did you see this ending to Chapter 2 coming? Did you know that Byzner was going to fall into a giant strange energy ball? I certainly didn't. When I started this issue, I didn't know. But, I was happy when I realized what was going to happen and I'm very excited about where all this is going.

So there you go. Thanks

Blogged and blogged


  1. Congrats,Man! Well done. I can't remember if I've already posted the compliment, but I really enjoy the dynamic energy in these pages. I love how you're playing with the color, and the story is snappy and full of visual twists. Great fun!

    1. Even if you had already complemented me, you are always free to complement me again. And that goes for anyone!
      Thanks, Aaron! I'm having fun doing this comic, I can only hope that it's fun for the reader as well. And thanks for reading it and not acting like you're interested in person but then not reading it.

  2. That electric eye-ball cell looking thing is a fantastic visual. Congrats! You've taken your comics to the next level with Amnia Cycle. Looking forward to what lies ahead.

    1. The electric ball thing, was inspired by what a chicken embryo looks like after something like 7 days. I think the black part, is in fact the eye forming. To me it's like some kind of singularity growing in an amniotic sphere… An AMNIOtic sphere. I think its resemblance to an eye and to an embryo make it effectively strange and suggestive.

  3. My favorite is panel 05 on the last page, Byzner's hand all the way at the bottom and that nice shadow beneath it. That's great staging right there. Panel 06 is also super nice, excellent use of motion lines.

    It's too bad we didn't get to see who Byzner was dating before he died. That's a girl trying to save him right? It's hard to tell with that space suit on but maybe she secretly loved him? Can you do a follow up story with her where we see how she's dealing with her feelings over losing Byzner? And hey, its just a suggestion, but maybe she can meet somebody new so its a happy ending?

    1. Hahaha. If I were Urasawa I would have spent 40 pages of back story on her. She's a security officer, she's assigned to Byner on some mission, he is almost killed but she saves him, they fall in love, she tells him she will always protect him, they hit a rough patch, they have a big fight and aren't talking to one another, she tells him she doesn't love him any more and in a moment of rage tells him that saving him was a mistake. They end up on this mission together, Byzner tries to talk to her but she is stubborn and doesn't forgive him. When he's hanging on for his life she realizes she does love him, but it's too late… Or something like that. You know, there's a moral, there's emotion, there's tragedy, there's bullshit coming out it's eyes.
      But yeah, yeah, I wanna see her get together with someone new. That would be fucking awesome, man!

    2. For the record, I am a fan of Urasawa. I enjoy his work pretty well. But it doesn't mean that I'm without criticism of it. There are few works in the world who's virtues out weigh their sins to such a degree that I'm capable of completely over looking their sins.

  4. I love panel 7 on Page Forty-Two. I've always really dug that visual of someone running to stay ahead of a floor that's collapsing *right* behind them—and I love the idea of a strange, massive, almost unfathomable chamber underneath. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes.

    Byzner's ghost should totally haunt the security officer on her first date with the new guy. Hijinks and heartbreak and misunderstandings and Whoopi Goldberg…that's its own chapter right there. You're welcome!
