Monday, January 6, 2014

Entry 213: AMNIA CYCLE pages 40-41

Chapter 2

We're just a few pages from the end of Chapter 2. Hear that rumbling? That's the exciting chapter finale coming at you. 

It's kind of funny. I was meaning to look up some real info on caves and underground rivers before I finalized this and put it up. As it is, I'm just making stuff up. Whatever I guess. 

Next week I'll put up another 4 page entry. So see you back here then. It's going to be fun!

Blogged and blogged.


  1. Man, this shit is baller as fuck.

    1. Whoa. What? Since when do you talk this way, Ben?

  2. Definitely my favorite scene so far. Can't wait to see if there's any living sharks down there.

    1. If I had a whole horde of sharks running through those tunnels, Gyo style. And Gyo had never existed. Would I have created the greatest thing to ever be in a comic book?
      This can't be your favorite scene.

    2. You're wrong, this whole cave bit is my favorite scene. The atmosphere, the intrigue, the possibilities... it's all coming together.
