Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Entry 23: A New Year

Hello! It's been a while. It's a new year! Hope you had a Happy Christmas and New Years. I had a very happy holidays. My girl friend and I visited my family in Michigan for a week where we spent Christmas with my mom, my brother, and my sister, which hasn't happened in a long time. Then we went and spent another week in Connecticut and New York visiting her family where we spent New Years eve on top of a building in Manhattan with an amazing view of the city. It was a great trip.
 Now I'm back, and I've got a lot of news, some of which I can't talk about yet... so I guess it doesn't count. I'll tell you what I can tell you.
 First: For the first time in my career I've been invited to be a guest at a convention. It's pretty cool to me. It's the Emerald City Con. I went last year just to check it out, but this year I'll be there with a table. The coolest part to me is that I'm listed on their sight as a guest. Here's the link Emerald City Con Guests. I'm almost all the way at the bottom as my name starts with a W.
 Second: Over my Christmas vacation I worked. I did 203 Lord Of the Rings Masterpiece 2 sketch cards. It was a lot of fun and a lot more work than I thought it would be. I'll be posting some of those cards for you to see soon.
 Third: I've finished the cover of Knights of the Old Republic #28. Issue 28 is part 4 of the highly anticipated first Star Wars comic crossover, Vector, and the cover will be the most telling yet about just what the crossover is about. So Stay tuned. Also, it hasn't been finalized but it looks like I'll be doing the covers for Kotor 29 and 30 as well. I've read the outline for those issues and I think fans of the series will be very pleased.
 My fourth bit of news is the bit that I really can't talk about. It's a new project that I'm really excited about. That's all I'll say.
 And last, I thought I'd leave you with 2 pieces I did as Christmas presents for my Nephews. I haven't done a lot of pieces as gifts, but I really wanted to do these for them. I don't get to see my sister and her family much, so it was important for me to do something special of her and her boys, Will and Cole. These pieces were done with gray markers then colored in photoshop. I printed them at 11x15, wrote "Merry Christmas Cole and Will From Uncle Dustin" on them with paint, and framed them.

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