Thursday, July 31, 2008

Entry 48: Rebellion 16 Preview, Comic Con, EU Cantina interview

Star Wars: Rebellion #16-Vector part 8
Writer: Rob Williams
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Colorist: Wil Glass
Cover Artist: Dan Scott
Darth Vader successfully lures Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia into a trap that could cripple the Rebel Alliance, as "Vector"-the most important Star Wars event of 2008-concludes its third arc, setting the stage for the final galaxy-shaking showdown in Star Wars: Legacy!
On the dark surface of a desolate moon, Luke and Leia meet their first Jedi since Obi-Wan Kenobi, only to realize too late this Knight of the Old Republic is far different than their fallen friend--twisted by the Sith's Muur Talisman and enraged by Darth Vader! Together, Luke and Leia must make a choice with far-reaching consequences, not just for themselves, but for the fate of the entire galaxy!
Publication Date: August 27, 2008

There you have it. Rebellion #16. It's the last issue of Rebellion for a while so check it out... after checking out #15 of course.

So I got back home to Portland from the San Diego Comic Con the other night. What a great show it was. It was crazy as usual. Most of my time was spent face down doing commissions, which I wouldn't have any other way. I really wanted to thank everyone who stopped by my table. I really enjoyed talking comics and art with everyone. I also wanted to thank Christina Strain for being an awesome artist alley neighbor, and of course my lovely fiancee, Lauren, for helping me at the table.
While I was busy trying to keep up with the commissions a guy came up to me and asked for a quick head sketch. I was in between commissions and I knew I could do a quick head sketch before starting the next commission so I said sure. Then he busted out a video camera and told me he would post it on youtube. So no pressure right? I was torn the whole time I drew it with how finished I should to make it. I also wanted to do it pretty quick so that it was watchable on youtube... Anyway here it is.
I've also done an interview with EU that you can check out here: EU Cantina Interview
... So there you go. Lot's of stuff:)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Entry 47: Rebellion #15 OUT TODAY

This baby is out today. So go pick it up, why shouldn't you? The Travis cover alone makes it worth it. If you're not convinced here's a preview of some interior pages... still not interested in picking it up. Well, what if I said please. It's the magic word. Does the magic word do anything for ya?...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Entry 46: Jelly of the Month

This month's Jelly of Month subject is Hanna-Barbara. I considered doing a Scooby piece and even a Jetsons piece, but ultimately I decided to do something not as well known, Dynomutt, Dog Wonder and Blue Falcon. Thees characters being super heroes puts them right up my alley, as I am a comic book guy. I drew these guys in high school along with characters like Inspector Gadget and fantasized about revamping them for comics. It was really fun revisiting them now. You can check out the other contributions at the Jelly of the Month

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Entry 45: Legacy #29 cover

Solicitations for this issue have Brad Anderson credited for this cover, but in fact, it was little ol' me who drew it. If you look closely at the stripe on the floor you can see my signature in white.
 This is the cover for Legacy #29 Vector Part 10 (of 12). This marks my first time doing anything for Legacy and my 4th Vector cover. It's pretty cool to get to do a little work on these other Star Wars eras. The only era I haven't gotten to draw now is the Dark Times era.
 I actually did this page from start to finish in 4 and a half days, which is really fast for me. Randy (the editor) called me up and asked if I could do a cover in 4 days. I said I would try and I almost made it.
So... I wish I could have taken more time. there are a few things that I don't really like, but over all, given the constraints, I'm pretty pleased.
This comes out Oct 29.