

So, you're interested in contacting me?

-Maybe you'd like me to work for you.

--- You can contact me!

-Maybe you'd like to commission a piece.

--- You can contact me! (I may not get back to you right away, but I do keep track of the commission requests I get and I respond when I have time to take on commission work. If you're going to a Convention that I'll be attending, contact me before the show to get on my commission list for the show.)

-Maybe you'd like to tell me how great you think I am.

--- You can contact me! (That would be good! In fact, if you have the time please do that.)

-Maybe you'd like to tell me how horrible you think I am.

--- You can contact me! (Technically I can't stop you.)

-Maybe you'd like to contact me for some reason I'm not thinking of right now.

--- You can also contact me!

Contact me at---

dustinpweaver (at) gmail (dot) com